1. ಅಯ್ಯೋ

    ♪ ayyō
    1. = ಅಯ್ಯೊ.
  2. ಅಯ್ಯೊ

    ♪ ayyo
    1. an interjection used to express pity, grief, wonder, sarcasm etc.; ಅಯ್ಯೊ ಅಂದರೆ ಆರು ತಿಂಗಳು ಆಯುಸ್ಸು ಕಡಿಮೆ ayyo andare āru tiŋgaḷu āyassu kaḍime (prov.) never take pity on undeserved.
  3. ಆಯಸ

    ♪ āyasa
    1. weariness caused by mental or bodily labour; fatigue.
  4. ಅಯ

    ♪ aya
    1. a male parent; a father.
    2. a mode of addressing one's father.
    3. the father of a parent; grand-father.
    4. a Śaiva mendicant.
    5. a teacher.
    6. a lord; a master.
    7. a general suffix to male names.
    8. a mode of respectful addressing men; 'sir'.
  5. ಅಯ್

    ♪ ay
    1. a prefix to denote the number 'five'.
  6. ಆಯ

    ♪ āya
    1. respective; concerned.
  7. ಅಯಸ

    ♪ ayasa
    1. = ಅಯಶ.
  8. ಆಯ್

    ♪ āy
    1. to collect, gather or amass.
    2. to pick out by preference from what is available; to take as a choice; select; to choose.
    3. to sort or separate from a lot.
    4. ಆಯ್ದುಕೊಳ್ āydukoḷ to pick, for oneself, out by preference from what is available; to take as a choice; to select; to choose; ಆಯ್ದುಕೊಂಡು ತಿನ್ನು āydukoṇḍu tinnu to be very poor; ಆಯ್ದುಕೊಂಡು ತಿನ್ನುವ ಕೋಳಿಯ ಕಾಲುಮುರಿ āydukoṇḍu tinnuva kōḷiya kālu muri (fig.) to spoil the means of living of a poor person.
  9. ಅಯ

    ♪ aya
    1. the act of moving, going; a going; a movement.
    2. a good luck; a good time.
  10. ಅಯ್ಯ

    ♪ ayya
    1. a male parent; a father.
    2. a mode of addressing one's father.
    3. the father of a parent; grand-father.
    4. a Śaiva mendicant.
    5. a teacher.
    6. a lord; a master.
    7. a general suffix to male names.
    8. a mode of respectful addressing men; 'siṛ; ಅಯ್ಯನವರು ayyanavaru a respectful form of ಅಯ್ಯ1; ಅಯ್ಯನಚಕ್ರಿ ayyana cakri a title; ಅಯ್ಯನಯ್ಯ ayyanayya father of one's father; grand father.
  11. ಅಯ್ಯ

    ♪ ayya
    1. = ಅಯ್ಯೊ.
  12. ಅಯಸ

    ♪ ayasa
    1. physical or mental exhaustion; weariness; fatigue; tedium.
  13. ಅಯಸ

    ♪ ayas
    1. = ಅಯಸ್ಸು.
  14. ಅಯ

    ♪ aya
    1. = ಅಯಸ್ಸು.
  15. ಆಯ

    ♪ āya
    1. a false, wrong or untrue statement.
  16. ಆಯ

    ♪ āya
    1. the inner portion; inside; interior.
    2. that which is within or hidden; a secret.
    3. much money or property; great amount of worldly possessions; riches; wealth.
    4. any of the vulnerable parts of the body such as private parts etc.
    5. the space or degree to which a thing is extended; extent; measure.
    6. the way, manner or mode in which a thing is to be, to done or observed and rules govering it; modality.
    7. the aim to be achieved or cause motivating a fact, doing, etc.
    8. a form, structure or arrangements of parts.
    9. a favaourable situation or fact of being comfortable.
    10. the state of equilibrium; the balanced state.
    11. the rule or regulation esp. relating to the conduct in a religious place, as temple, etc.
    12. a list, catalogue or inventory of details, often as an explanatory supplement to a will, bill of sale, deed, tax form, etc.; a schedule.
    13. a four sided plane figure with all its angles being right angles and breadth and length being unequal; a rectangle.
  17. ಆಯ

    ♪ āya
    1. (pointing to a man at a distance, already referred to or whose reference is implied and known by the first and second persons) that man.
  18. ಆಯ

    ♪ āya
    1. great or superior strength, power, force or vigour; might.
  19. ಆಯ

    ♪ āya
    1. the money or other gain received, esp. in a given period, by an individual, corporation, etc. for labour or services or from property, investments, operations, etc. income.
    2. something useful or help to a desired end; means.
    3. (astrol.) the seventh house from the house of origin.
    4. advantage; gain; benefit; profit.
    5. a donation made to a temple or a Brāhmaṇa.
    6. a compulsory payment, usually a percentage, levied on income, property value, sales price, etc. for the support of a government; a tax.
    7. the income from taxes, licenses, etc., as of a city, state or nation; revenue.
    8. annual wages paid in the form of grains during harvest.
    9. a watchman in the women's quarter of a palace.
  20. ಆಯಸ

    ♪ āyasa
    1. the duration of time from one's birth to his or her death; life-time.