1. ಅಮರತೆ

    ♪ amarate
    1. = ಅಮರಣತ್ವ; 2) godhood; divinity; the godhead.
  2. ಅಮೃತೆ

    ♪ amřte
    1. the plant Tinosporia cordifolia ( = Menispermum cordifolium, Cocculus cordifolius) of Menispermaceae family; moon-creeper.
    2. the plant Cissampelos pareira (C. convolvulaceae) of Menispermaceae family.
    3. the plant Emblica officinalis of Euphorbiaceae family; emblic myrobalan; and its berry.
    4. the plant Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family and its nut; chebulic myrobalan.
  3. ಆಮರ್ದ

    ♪ āmarda
    1. the act of compressing; a squeezing or crushing.
  4. ಅಮರದ

    ♪ amarada
    1. milk or any of the milk products such as butter, curd, etc.
  5. ಅಮೃತ

    ♪ amřta
    1. not dead; alive.
    2. not dying; not mortal; deathless; living or lasting forever.
    3. of or relating to immortality.
    4. not perishing; imperishable; indestructible.
    5. beautiful; pleasing; agreeable.
  6. ಅಮೃತ

    ♪ amřta
    1. a god; a deity.
    2. Viṣṇu.
    3. Śiva.
    4. Indra, the lord of heavens.
    5. the individual soul, free from attributes.
    6. Prajapati; the Creator of the universe.
    7. the Absolute Supreme.
    8. a sage; a seer.
    9. the state of the soul being freed from the cycle of birth and death and resting in eternal bliss; absolution; the final beatitude.
    10. ambrosia, the food of the gods; nector of immortality.
    11. a substance causing death when eaten, drunk or absorbed even in relatively small quantities; a poison.
    12. a remedy to counteract a poison; an antidote.
    13. name of the celestial physician, Dhanvantri.
    14. the residue or leavings of a sacrifice.
    15. cooked rice; food, in gen.
    16. that which is very much pleasing to the senses; beauty.
    17. water.
    18. milk.
    19. clarified butter; ghee.
    20. the ocean.
    21. gold.
    22. quick silver; mercury.
    23. a good quality; noble character.
    24. unsolicited alms; alms got without solicitation.
    25. the moon.
    26. a bulbous plant and its root; vārāhikanda.
    27. the creeper Tinosporia cordifolia (=Menispermum cordiflium, Cocculus cartifolius) of Menispermaceae family; moon creeper.
    28. the plant Emblica officinalis of Euphorbiaceae family; emblic myrobalan; and its berry.
    29. the plant Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family and its nut; chebulic myrobalan.
    30. a wild bean plant, Phaseolus adenanthus of Papilionaceae family.
    31. the white water lily plant and its flower.
    32. elephant.
    33. the hair growing on the head.
    34. the white colour.
    35. the woman's breast.
    36. a kind sweet drink (pānaka).
    37. the number four.
    38. a proper, eligible, man; a man with good qualities, character.
    39. name of one of the rays of the sun.
    40. the first of the sixteen digits of the moon.
    41. the splendour; light.
    42. a stringed folk instrument played with a bow.
  7. ಅಮ್ಮರುತ

    ♪ ammaruta
    1. = ಅಮೃತ.
  8. ಅಮರ್ದು

    ♪ amardu
    1. the food of the gods; the ambrosia.
    2. cow's milk.
  9. ಅಮೂರ್ತ

    ♪ amūrta
    1. having no form or shape; shapeless; formless.
    2. (apart from actual material instances) existing only as a mental concept; not concrete; abstract.
  10. ಅಮೂರ್ತ

    ♪ amūrta
    1. the state or quality of being formless or shapeless; absence of form.
    2. that which has no physical form or shape.
    3. the Supreme.
    4. a form as of the qualities or properties of a thing, by mental separation from particular instances or material objects; an abstract form.
  11. ಅಮೂರ್ತೆ

    ♪ amūrte
    1. a woman without a physical form or shape.