1. ಅಮರ

    ♪ amara
    1. milk or any of the milk products such as butter, curd, etc.
  2. ಅಮರ

    ♪ amara
    1. not mortal; deathless; living or lasting forever; immortal.
    2. not perishable; that will decay; imperishable.
  3. ಅಮರ

    ♪ amara
    1. an endowment of a part of the country to a subordinate for getting military support from him.
    2. captaincy over an infantry of 1000 foot-soldiers.
  4. ಅಮರ

    ♪ amara
    1. = ಅಮರಕೋಶ.
    2. 2) a god, deity, who is immortal.
    3. a heavy, silver-white metallic chemical element, liquid at ordinary temperatures, which sometimes occurs in a free state but usually in combination with sulphur; quicksilver: mercury.
    4. gold.
    5. the tree Commiphora mukul ( = Balsamodendron myrrha) of Burseraceae family; bdellium.
    6. any plant of the cactus family, with fleshy stems, reduced or spinelike leaves, and often showy flowers; cactus.
    7. a metrical foot having three short syllables (υυυ).
  5. ಆಮ್ರ

    ♪ āmra
    1. the tropical, evergreen tree Mangifera indica of the cashew family.
    2. its yellow-red, oblong fruit (with thick rind, somewhat acid and juicy pulp, and a hard stone); mango.
    3. ಆಮ್ರದ ಸೊಪ್ಪು āmrada soppu the plant Cynoglossum wallchii of Boraginaceae family.
  6. ಅಮರ್

    ♪ amar
    1. to be joined or fastened securely; to glue or stick oneself.
    2. to fit in properly; to be proper or suitable; to be agreeable.
    3. to fall upon; to rush upon violently.
    4. to happen; to become.
    5. to quarrel; to dispute heatedly.
    6. to rebuke severely; to rebuke.
    7. to join (one object ) with (another); to cause to be connected.
    8. to fall into or be subject to, another's control; to become subordinate to.
    9. to help; to support.
  7. ಅಮರಾಲಯ

    ♪ amarālaya
    1. the abode of gods.
    2. a building for the worship of a divinity or divinities; a temple.
  8. ಆಮರಸ

    ♪ āmarasa
    1. undigested food turned into sour liquid; imperfect chyme.
  9. ಆಮ್ರ

    ♪ āmra
    1. a spiced liquid food prepared with pulses and with or without vegetables, for mixing with cooked rice.
  10. ಅಮರಿಸು

    ♪ amarisu
    1. to place, keep, put in a particular place, condition.
    2. to place in an assigned or proper place, as in a sequence.
    3. to fill in (to a sack, room, etc.) to make it full.
    4. to cause to happen, befall.
    5. to cause a thing to join; to attach; to fasten as by gluing, pinning etc.
    6. to grasp; to hold firmly.
    7. to ascribe as a quality or characteristic; to attribute.
    8. to anoint on; to apply on.
    9. to make ready; to prepare.
    10. to find fault with; to rebuke or chide severely; to scold.
    11. to hit with the hand or a tool, weapon, etc; to strike.
    12. to keep in another's hand; to hand over.
    13. (dial.) to press something; to compress.
    14. (dial.) (fig.) to suppress someone; to drive someone to a corner.
    15. (dial.) to annoy; to inflict pain or trouble.
  11. ಅಮರು

    ♪ amaru
    1. (dial.) to hesitate, shrink work for want of confidence or due to laziness.
    2. (dial.) to be shy of company of people.
  12. ಅಮರೆ

    ♪ amare
    1. the plant Dolichos lablab ( = Lablab niger) of Papilionaceae family.
    2. its pod; flat bean.
  13. ಅಮರಿ

    ♪ amari
    1. = ಅಮರವಧು.
  14. ಅಮರು

    ♪ amaru
    1. to be joined or fastened securely; to glue or stick oneself.
    2. to fit in properly; to be proper or suitable; to be agreeable.
    3. to fall upon; to rush upon violently.
    4. to happen; to become.
    5. to quarrel; to dispute heatedly.
    6. to rebuke severely; to rebuke.
    7. to join (one object ) with (another); to cause to be connected.
    8. to fall into or be subject to, another's control; to become subordinate to.
    9. to help; to support.
  15. ಅಮರ್ಷ

    ♪ amarṣa
    1. impatience - the state or quality of not having patience; lack of patience; b) restless eagerness to do something, go somewhere, etc.
    2. intense anger; rage; fury; wrath.
    3. the quality or condition of being jealous; jealousy.
    4. the tendency to act revenge; vengeance.
    5. a firm intention; firmness of purpose.
  16. ಅಮಱ್

    ♪ amaṛ
    1. to be joined or fastened securely; to glue or stick oneself.
    2. to fit in properly; to be proper or suitable; to be agreeable.
    3. to fall upon; to rush upon violently.
    4. to happen; to become.
    5. to quarrel; to dispute heatedly.
    6. to rebuke severely; to rebuke.
    7. to join (one object ) with (another); to cause to be connected.
    8. to fall into or be subject to, another's control; to become subordinate to.
    9. to help; to support.
  17. ಅಮೀರ

    ♪ amīra
    1. a rich, wealthy man.
    2. a chief of a contingent of an army.
  18. ಅಮರಿ

    ♪ amari
    1. the plant Cassia angustifolia of Caesalpiiaceae family; Indian senna.
  19. ಆಮರ್ಷ

    ♪ āmarṣa
    1. lack of patience; impatience.
    2. a feeling of displeasure resulting from injury, mistreatment, opposition, etc., and usually showing itself in a desire to fight back at the supposed cause of this feeling; anger; wrath.
  20. ಅಮರೇಶ

    ♪ amarēśa
    1. = ಅಮರೇಂದ್ರ.