1. ಅಪಲೆ

    ♪ apale
    1. (dial.) like that; in that manner; in that way.
  2. ಅಪ್ಪಾಲು

    ♪ appālu
    1. a kind of sweet dish.
  3. ಆಪಾಲಿ

    ♪ āpāli
    1. any of several small, flat, wingless insects with sucking mouthparts, of Anoplura order, that are parasitic on the hair of humans and some other mammals; Pediculus humanus capitis; a louse.
  4. ಅಪೀಲು

    ♪ apīlu
    1. an appeal - a) a call upon some authority or person for a decision, opinion, etc.; b) an urgent request for help, sympathy, etc.
  5. ಅಪೀಲ್

    ♪ apīl
    1. = ಅಪೀಲು.
  6. ಅಪ್ಪಳಿ

    ♪ appaḷi
    1. heavy clapping of palms of the hands; beating with the palm on one's thigh (usu. inside) as in wrestling.
  7. ಅಪ್ಪಳಿಸು

    ♪ appaḷisu
    1. to strike heavily against; to dash; to make rapid sweeping movement or onset, to rush with violence; to lash.
    2. to subdue; to keep under control.
    3. to destroy completely; to annihilate.