1. ಅನ್ವಿತ

    ♪ anvita
    1. followed closely or sincerely.
    2. connected; joined; concerned with.
    3. endowed with (qualities etc.).
    4. that can be inferred or imagined.
    5. ಅನ್ವಿತಮಾಗು anvitamāgu to be associated with; to be in conformity with.
  2. ಅನ್ವಿತ

    ♪ anvita
    1. a related or concerned man.
    2. the appropriate manner, condition or way.
    3. a knowledgeable man; a learned man; a scholar.
  3. ಅನ್ವೀತೆ

    ♪ anvīte
    1. = ಅನ್ವಿತೆ.
  4. ಅನ್ವಾದಿ

    ♪ anvādi
    1. a lease granted by a lessee to another person of all or part of the property; a sub-lease.
  5. ಅನ್ವಿತೆ

    ♪ anvite
    1. a woman endowed with (qualities, physical possession, etc.).
  6. ಅನವಧಿ

    ♪ anavadhi
    1. having no bounds; limitless; vast; boundless; infinite.
    2. that cannot be measured by time; transcending time; restricted to no specific time.
  7. ಅನುವಾತು

    ♪ anuvātu
    1. opinion given, as a well-wisher, as to what to do or how to handle a situation.
  8. ಅನುವಾದ

    ♪ anuvāda
    1. re-utterance of what another has said, in the same manner.
    2. a repeated propounding of a subject, theory or fact, which is already established.
    3. usage of a word (in writing or speech).
    4. the act or result of interpreting; explanation, meaning, translation, exposition, etc.; interpretation.
    5. the making of a short statement of the main points of a book, without changing or corrupting the intention of the original author.
    6. an epitome.
    7. a translation of a speech or a book into the words of a different language, without changing the original idea.
    8. agreement; consent; approval.
  9. ಅನುವಾದಿ

    ♪ anuvādi
    1. that which normally falls in agreement with another's tastes, mood, feelings, disposition, etc.
    2. one who translates books, articles or speeches into another language; a translator.
    3. (mus.) a note which is neither consonant or dissonant to another note.
  10. ಅಣುವಾದಿ

    ♪ aṇu vādi
    1. (phil.) an advocate or follower of the theory that the soul is supposed to be an atom.
  11. ಅಣುವಾದ

    ♪ aṇu vāda
    1. (phil.) the theory that the soul is supposed to be an atom.