1. ಅನೂಚಾನ

    ♪ anūcāna
    1. of, given to or engaged in study; characterised by close attention; thoughtful; studious.
    2. cultured; civilised; polite or courteous.
    3. established by convention, custom or general usage; customary; conventional.
  2. ಅನೂಚಾನ

    ♪ anūcāna
    1. general agreement on the usages and practices of social life, usu. handed down from generation to generation.
    2. a man who has completed his formal learning of the Vēdas in the traditional school Gurukula and observes those teachings in practical life.
    3. a man with cultured, polite and courteous behaviour; a civilised man.
  3. ಅನುಚಣ

    ♪ anucaṇa
    1. one who is subordinate to another subordinate officer.