1. ಅನುವಿಸು

    ♪ anuvisu
    1. to ask earnestly; to beg humbly; to beseech; to implore; to entreat.
    2. to strongly long for; to desire.
    3. to bar or hinder the progress of; to obstruct or delay.
    4. to pass through; to spread or to be diffused throughout; to be prevalent throughout; to pervade.
    5. to make ready; to prepare.
    6. to be similar to.
    7. to join (oneself) with; to get associated with.
    8. to make happy; to delight.
  2. ಅನುವಿಸು

    ♪ anuvisu
    1. to ask earnestly; to beg humbly; to beseech; to implore; to entreat.
    2. to strongly long for; to desire.
    3. to bar or hinder the progress of; to obstruct or delay.
    4. to pass through; to spread or to be diffused throughout; to be prevalent throughout; to pervade.
    5. to make ready; to prepare.
    6. to be similar to.
    7. to join (oneself) with; to get associated with.
    8. to make happy; to delight.
  3. ಆನಾವು

    ♪ ānāvu
    1. the tree Adina cardifolia of Rubiaceae family; saffron teak.
  4. ಅನುವಸ

    ♪ anuvasa
    1. = ಅನುವಶ1.
  5. ಅನುವು

    ♪ anuvu
    1. neatness in arrangement; orderliness.
    2. the quality in personal appearance that pleases.
    3. propriety - a) the quality of being proper, fitting or suitable; fitness; b) the quality of being proper, fitting or suitable; fitness; c) conformity with accepted standards of proper manners or behavior.
    4. a scheme - a) a carefully arranged and systematic program of action for attaining some object or end; b) a secret or underhanded plan; plot.
    5. an association of more than two persons, as friends, partners, fellow workers, etc.; the feeling of being friends associated with it.
    6. the state of being ready; readiness; preparedness.
    7. suitable scope or opportunity; room.
    8. the state of being well; condition of good health, happiness, and comfort; well-being; welfare.
    9. anything contributing to an improvement in condition; advantage; benefit.
    10. ability; capability.
    11. the means by which something can be done; facility; comfort.
    12. a help; support.
  6. ಅನುವು

    ♪ anuvu
    1. a restraint - a) an act of restraining; b) a restraining influence or force.
  7. ಆಣವ

    ♪ aṇava
    1. exceedingly small; very minute.
  8. ಆಣವ

    ♪ aṇava
    1. = ಆಣವಮಲ.
    2. 2) exceedingly smallness or minuteness.
  9. ಆನವು

    ♪ ānavu
    1. the plant Nauclea missionis of Rubiaceae family.
  10. ಅನಿವ

    ♪ aniva
    1. a restraint - a) act of restraining; b) a restraining influence or force.
  11. ಅನಿವಾಸಿ

    ♪ anivāsi
    1. not a resident of a particular place, nation etc.; non-resident.
  12. ಅನಿವಾಸಿ

    ♪ anivāsi
    1. a person who is not a resident of a particular nation etc. (always said in relation with a nation); a non-resident.
  13. ಅನಿವಿಸು

    ♪ anivisu
    1. to compel - a) to force or constrain, as to do something; b) to get or bring about by force.
  14. ಅನಿವಿಸು

    ♪ anivisu
    1. to ask earnestly; to beg humbly; to beseech; to implore; to entreat.
    2. to strongly long for; to desire.
    3. to bar or hinder the progress of; to obstruct or delay.
    4. to pass through; to spread or to be diffused throughout; to be prevalent throughout; to pervade.
    5. to make ready; to prepare.
    6. to be similar to.
    7. to join (oneself) with; to get associated with.
    8. to make happy; to delight.
  15. ಅಣುವ

    ♪ aṇuva
    1. a famous semi god, of monkey-like beings, and a trusted servant of Rāma, popularly known as Hanumān or Añjanēya.
  16. ಅನುವಶ

    ♪ anuvaśa
    1. being under another's control; having or showing a tendency to submit without resistance; obedient; submissive.
  17. ಅನುವಶ

    ♪ anuvaśa
    1. a man who is under the control of or is subservient to, another.
  18. ಅನುವಶೆ

    ♪ anuvaśe
    1. a woman who is under the control of or is subservient to, another.
  19. ಅಣವು

    ♪ aṇavu
    1. (dial.) a thing that blocks the passage of a liquid; a stopper; a plug.
    2. name of a particular kind of tree.
    3. (dial.) the condition of the soil becoming hardened after the seeds are sown.
  20. ಆಣವಿಸು

    ♪ āṇavisu
    1. to order; to give instruction; to command.