1. ಅನುಕಾರ

    ♪ anukāra
    1. the act of imitating, following otheṛs manners, gestures.
    2. the act, art or occupation of performing in plays, movies, etc.; acting.
    3. the state or quality of being similar; resemblance or likeness; similarity.
  2. ಅನುಕರ

    ♪ anukara
    1. (a wrong form of ಅನುತರ್ಷ) a round shaped open bowl for drinking liquids; a cup.
  3. ಅನುಕರ

    ♪ anukara
    1. following the example of; taking as one's model or pattern.
    2. acting the same as; impersonating.
    3. assisting; helping; seconding.
  4. ಅನಕರ

    ♪ anakara
    1. upto that distance or time.
    2. by that time; by them.
    3. upto a short period.
  5. ಅನಗಾರ

    ♪ anagāra
    1. (Jain.) a man who wanders without settled habitation; a homeless man.
  6. ಅನಾಕಾರ

    ♪ anākāra
    1. having no form; devoid of regular or usual shape; formless; shapeless.
  7. ಅನುಕಾರಿ

    ♪ anukāri
    1. being similar; resembling.
  8. ಅಣ್ಣಗಾರ

    ♪ aṇṇagāra
    1. (a term used in sarcastically addressing) an elder brother.
  9. ಅನುಕರಿಸು

    ♪ anukarisu
    1. to act imitating another; to play a role (as in a play).
    2. to strive to be like or produce something like; to copy; to imitate.
    3. to be like; to resemble with.
    4. to wear - a) to have on the body or carry on the person (clothing, jewellery, a weapon, etc.); b) to hold the position or rank symbolised by; c) to dress in (a specified kind of attire) so as to be in style.
    5. to receive; to accept.
    6. to give consent; to agree.
    7. to follow, to conform to (rules orders, instructions, etc.).
    8. to make or keep ready; to prepare.
    9. to throw out; to cast out; to expel; to emit; to discharge; to eject.
    10. to give instructions; to direct ( the course, way etc.).
    11. to adhere to, follow, keep or abide by (a law, custom, duty, rule, etc.); to observe.
  10. ಆಣಿಕಾರ

    ♪ āṇikāra
    1. a man well skilled in testing, evaluating precious stones, gold, silver, etc. 2) one who evaluates the worth of any person or thing.
  11. ಆಣಿಕಾಱ

    ♪ āṇikāṛa
    1. = ಆಣಿಕಾರ.
  12. ಆಣಿಗಾಱ

    ♪ āṇigāṛa
    1. = ಆಣಿಕಾರ.
  13. ಅಣುಗಿಱಿ

    ♪ aṇugiṛi
    1. to come very close; to come physically very near.
  14. ಅಣಿಗಾರ

    ♪ aṇigāra
    1. a man who decorates or keeps tidiness.
    2. a clever or wise man.
    3. a chief; a leader.
    4. one who prepares the looms:.
  15. ಆನೆಗಾಱ

    ♪ ānegāṛa
    1. an elephant driver.
    2. a trainer of elephants.
  16. ಅಣಿಕಾರ

    ♪ aṇikāra
    1. very little; minutely.
  17. ಅನುಕರುಷ

    ♪ anukaruṣa
    1. = ಅನುಕರ್ಷ - 4; 2) the main beam of a cart or a chariot.
  18. ಅನುಕರ್ಷ

    ♪ anukarṣa
    1. attraction - a) the act of attracting or condition of being attracted; b) power to attract; charm or fascination; c) (phys.) mutual action by which bodies or particles of matter tend to draw together.
    2. the act or process of invoking the presence of a deity in an idol.
    3. (gram.) act of following the previous rule in the present case.
    4. the main beam of a cart or a chariot.
  19. ಅನುಕ್ರೋಶ

    ♪ anukrōśa
    1. sorrow felt for another's suffering or misfortune; compassion; sympathy; pity.