1. ಅನಿವರ್ತಿ

    ♪ anivarti
    1. not happening, available, recurring again.
    2. brave, not running back or away (from a battlefield).
  2. ಅನಿವರ್ತಿ

    ♪ anivarti
    1. one who does not return.
    2. a man who never runs away in the war field.
    3. Viṣṇu.
  3. ಅನಿವೃತ್ತಿ

    ♪ anivřtti
    1. the act of continuing what is being done.
  4. ಅನವರತ

    ♪ anavarata
    1. happening, existing or continuing at all times; incessant; eternal.
  5. ಅನವರತ

    ♪ anavarata
    1. always - a) at all times; on all occasions; invariably; b) all the time; continuously; forever; c) without a gap or interval; incessantly.
  6. ಅನಾವರ್ತ

    ♪ anāvarta
    1. not recurring; not moving in a cyclic manner.
  7. ಅನಾವೃತ

    ♪ anāvřta
    1. that is not covered; open; unveiled.
  8. ಅನ್ವರ್ಥ

    ♪ anvartha
    1. as per meaning.
    2. befitting the name.
    3. suited to its purpose; appropriate; apt.
  9. ಅನಿವಾರಿತ

    ♪ anivārita
    1. not avoided or evaded.
  10. ಅನಿವೃತ್ತ

    ♪ anivřtta
    1. not coming back; not returning.
    2. not giving up one's work, business, career etc. (esp. because of advanced age).
  11. ಅನಿವಿರಿದು

    ♪ aniviridu
    1. that much big; so great.
  12. ಅನುವರ್ತ

    ♪ anuvarta
    1. something that impedes progress or achievement; an obstacle.
  13. ಅನುವರ್ತಿ

    ♪ anuvarti
    1. responding to.
    2. reciprocally related.
    3. (two complex numbers) having their real parts equal and their imaginary parts equal but of opposite signs; conjugate.
  14. ಅನುವರ್ತಿ

    ♪ anuvarti
    1. one who obediently follows; a submissive person.
    2. that which is similar to another.
  15. ಅನುವೃತ್ತ

    ♪ anuvřtta
    1. following obediently.
    2. continued or carried on, from where (the process, work, etc.) was stopped.
    3. (gram.) following the rule laid down in the previous aphorism.
    4. appropriate; fitting.
  16. ಅನುವೃತ್ತ

    ♪ anuvřtta
    1. a following obediently; submissive behaviour; obedience.
    2. (term used to describe planetary motions in the Ptolemaic system) a circle whose centre moves along the circumference of another, larger circle; an epicycle.
  17. ಅನುವೃತ್ತಿ

    ♪ anuvřtti
    1. a following obediently; submissive behaviour; obedience.
    2. an act or instance of imitating another.
    3. (gram.) a faithful following of the rule laid down in the previous aphorism.
    4. approving; seconding; supporting another's opinion.
    5. guide and help, received or being received from, another; protege.
    6. the act of repeating; a doing or saying again.
  18. ಅನುವ್ರತ

    ♪ anuvrata
    1. a man who follows, serves another person obediently.
  19. ಅನುವ್ರತೆ

    ♪ anuvrate
    1. a woman who follows, serves another person obediently.
  20. ಅಣುವ್ರತ

    ♪ aṇu vrata
    1. (jain.) the disciplined life with the five principles of not-harming, truthfulness, refraining from stealing, sexual virtuousness, and refraining from receiving anything from others.