1. ಅನಿಲ

    ♪ anila
    1. (gen.) the elastic, invisible mixture of gases (chiefly nitrogen and oxygen, as well as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, neon, helium, etc.) that surrounds the earth; the air.
    2. air in motion; the wind.
    3. the fluid form of a substance in which it can expand indefinitely and completely fill its container; form that is neither liquid nor solid; gas.
    4. any mixture of flammable gases used for lighting, heating or cooking.
    5. the Wind-God.
    6. the semi-gods in the class of 'ಮರುತ್'.
    7. painful conditions of the joints and muscles, characterised by inflammation, stiffness, etc. believed to have been caused by the vital winds in the body; rheumatism.
    8. a giant orange star in the constellation Bootes, the brightest star in the north celestial sphere, with a magnitude of -0.1; Acturus.
    9. (pros.) a regular set of two short and one long syllables (υυ-).
    10. ಅನಿಲದ ಕುಲುಮೆ anilada kulume a furnace that burns gas as fuel; a gas furnace; ಅನಿಲದ ಕೋಣೆ anilada kōṇe a room in which people are put to be killed with poison gas; a gas chamber; ಅನಿಲದ ಜಾಡಿ anilada jāḍi a gas jar for holding a gas.
  2. ಆನಿಲ

    ♪ ānila
    1. (myth.) a son of Wind-God - a) Ānjanēya, an important character in the epic Rāmāyaṇa; b) Bhīmasēna, an important character in the epic Mahābhārata.
  3. ಆನಿಲ

    ♪ ānila
    1. proceeding from or produced by wind; characterised or accompanied by wind; windy.
  4. ಅನಲ

    ♪ anala
    1. the active principle of burning, characterised by the heat and light of combustion; the fire.
    2. the Hindu Fire-God.
    3. the digestive faculty; the power to digest (the food).
    4. (pros.) a syllabic foot consisting of three syllables of which the central one being short and other two long ones; amphimacer (-u-).
    5. the plant, Plumbago zeylanica of Plumbaginaceae family; white lead wort.
    6. the number three.
    7. (astron.) a cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus; the Pleiades; the third in the lunar mansion, as per Hindu astronomy.
  5. ಅಡುಗೆ ಅನಿಲ

    ♪ aḍuge anila
    1. a petroleum gas used as fuel in cooking; cooking gas.
  6. ಅಡಿಗೆ ಅನಿಲ

    ♪ aḍige anila
    1. a petroleum gas used as fuel in cooking; cooking gas.
  7. ಆನಿಲಿ

    ♪ ānili
    1. a rodent (family Cricetidae) living in water and having glossy brown fur, a long tail, webbed hind feet, and a musklike odour; musk-rat.
    2. a small, hornless deer, Moschus moschiferus of the uplands of central Asia, the male of which secretes musk and has tusk-like upper canines; musk deer.
  8. ಅಣ್ಣಲೆ

    ♪ aṇṇale
    1. a male person who is a monarch, head of a major territorial unit; a king.
  9. ಅಣಲ್

    ♪ aṇal
    1. the roof of the mouth.
    2. the side portion of the mouth where food is chewed; the jaw.
  10. ಅನಲು

    ♪ analu
    1. (dial.) to burn with a blaze of light; to burst into flame.
  11. ಅನಲು

    ♪ analu
    1. much hotness; great warmth; hot weather or climate.
    2. the fire.
    3. intense anger; rage; fury.
    4. mental suffering caused by loss, disappointment, etc.; sadness, grief; sorrow.
    5. something suffered; pain, distress or injury; suffering.
  12. ಅನಿಲೆ

    ♪ anile
    1. (prob. a variant of ಅಳಲೆ) the tree Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family; black myrobalan.
  13. ಅನುಲಾಸಿ

    ♪ anulāsi
    1. playing or dancing in accordance or in tune with.
  14. ಅನುಲ್ಲಾಸ

    ♪ anullāsa
    1. absence of delight; an afflicted condition; pain; suffering; affliction.
  15. ಅಣಿಲು

    ♪ aṇilu
    1. = ಅಣಿಲೆ.
  16. ಅಣಿಲೆ

    ♪ aṇile
    1. the tree, Cordia dichotoma ( = C. myxa) of Boraginaceae family; Sebesten.
    2. its plum used in making pickles.
    3. the plant Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family.
    4. its astringent fruit; myrobalan.
  17. ಅನಿಳ

    ♪ aniḷa
    1. = ಅನಿಲ.
  18. ಅಣಿಲ್

    ♪ aṇil
    1. = ಅಣಿಲು1.
  19. ಅಣಲು

    ♪ aṇalu
    1. = ಅಣಲ್.
  20. ಅನೊಳ

    ♪ anoḷa
    1. an old measure of quantity; (properly: ಅಯ್ಗೊಳ).