1. ಅನಂತೆ

    ♪ anante
    1. the earth.
    2. Goddess Pārvati, the spouse of Śiva.
    3. the plant Tragia involucrata, of Euphorbiaceae family.
    4. the plant Terminalia chebula of Combretaeae family; black myrobalan.
    5. the creeper Piper longum of Piperaceae family and its fruit; long pepper.
    6. the plant Emblica officinalis of Euphorbiaceae family and its berry; Indian Gooseberry; Embelic myrobalan.
    7. a kind of grass with long and sharp blades, Cynodon dactylon ( = Panicum dactylon) of Poaceae family.
    8. the plant Tensor cordifolia of Menispermaceae family.
    9. the plant Hemidesmus indicus of Asclepiadaceae family and its fragrant root; bastard sarsaparilla.
  2. ಅನಂತ

    ♪ ananta
    1. having no end; going for ever; everlasting.
    2. lacking limits or bounds; extending beyond measure or comprehension; extending to infinity; infinite.
    3. (math.) indefinitely large; greater than any finite number however large; b) capable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with a part of itself.
    4. (fig.) (of numbers) very large; countless.
  3. ಅನಂತ

    ♪ ananta
    1. Viṣṇu, (or Křṣṇa).
    2. 2) Śiva.
    3. Balarāma, elder brother of Křṣṇa.
    4. Ādiśeṣa, the king of serpents; or his brother Vāsuki, as a symbol of never-ending cyclic time.
    5. the sky; the atmosphere.
    6. the earth.
    7. (Jain.) the fourteenth sanctified teacher.
    8. the plant, Vitex trifolia, of Verbenaceae family.
    9. the twenty-third asterism, Śravaṇa.
    10. 10) absolute emancipation; final beatitude.
    11. that which is not only without determinate bounds, but which cannot possibly admit of bound or limit; an infinite.
    12. the object for absolute meditation (which is above the objects for meditations of lower type).
    13. a large number of people, assembled together (considered as a unit); a multitude.
    14. a mode in Karnāṭaka system of music, derived from the main mode Sūryakānta, having six notes in ascending and five in descending orders;
    15. ಅನಂತಯ್ಯನ ಮಾತ್ರೆ, ವೈಕುಂಠಯಾತ್ರೆ ananthayyana mātre, vaikuṇṭa yātre (prov.) a resort to a quack is a resort to death.
  4. ಅನಂದ

    ♪ ananda
    1. not beautiful; ugly.
  5. ಆನಂದ

    ♪ ānanda
    1. great joy or pleasure; delight; happiness.
    2. everlasting happiness; happiness of the highest kind; perfect blessedness; beatitude.
    3. (vīr.) one of the six kinds of devotion.
    4. name of a year in the Hindu cycle of sixty years.
    5. 5) (phil.) the ultimate reality in the Advaita system of Indian philosophy.
  6. ಆನಂದಿ

    ♪ ānandi
    1. a happy and satisfied person.
  7. ಆಣಂತಿ

    ♪ āṇanti
    1. = ಆಣತ್ತಿ.