1. ಅಧ್ವರಿಯ

    ♪ adhvariya
    1. = ಅಧ್ವರ್ಯು.
  2. ಅಧ್ವರ್ಯ

    ♪ adhvarya
    1. showy display, as of wealth, knowledge, etc.; affectedly grand; ostentatious.
  3. ಅಧ್ವರ್ಯು

    ♪ adhvaryu
    1. a priest well-versed in Yajurvēda and technically competent in regard to the requirements of a sacrifice, such as right land, right altar, right wood, right vessels, right sacrificial animal, etc.
    2. (in gen.) a priest participating in a sacrifice.
    3. one who conducts the proceedings of a sacrifice.
    4. a person that leads, directs or guides; a person who goes before, preparing the way for others, as an early settler or a scientist doing exploratory work; a leader; a pioneer.