1. ಅಧೀರ

    ♪ adhīra
    1. not bold; easily frightened; timid.
    2. lacking self-confidence; full of diffidence; diffident; nervous.
    3. full of doubt or uncertainty; puzzled; perplexed; confused.
  2. ಅಧೀರ

    ♪ adhīra
    1. a man who lacks courage, and so shrinks from danger or trouble; a coward.
  3. ಅತಿರ

    ♪ atira
    1. not firm or fixed; unstable; not enduring.
  4. ಅದಿರ್

    ♪ adir
    1. = ಅದಿರು¹.
  5. ಅದಿರ್

    ♪ adir
    1. = ಅದಿರು².
  6. ಅತ್ತರ

    ♪ attara
    1. a cloth used in a steam vessel to bake on.
  7. ಆತರ

    ♪ ātara
    1. a crossing of a river; ferrying.
    2. the fare paid or to be paid for ferrying.
    3. a boat, raft or a ferry used for carrying people, animals or goods across a river.
  8. ಅತ್ತರ್

    ♪ attar
    1. = ಅತ್ತರು.
  9. ಆದರ

    ♪ ādara
    1. a feeling of high regard, honour or esteem; respect; reverence; veneration.
    2. inclination or attachment of the mind.
    3. fond or tender feeling; warm liking; affection.
    4. the act, practice or quality of being hospitable; solicitous entertainment of guests; hospitality.
    5. a strong desire.
    6. joy; happiness; pleasure.
    7. the act of keeping one's mind closely on something or the ability to do this; mental concentration and mental readiness for such concentration; attention.
  10. ಆಧಾರ

    ♪ ādhāra
    1. a place or power of protection; a resort; a patronage.
    2. a support, a person or thing that supports; esp. - a) a prop, base, brace, etc.; b) a means of subsistence; c) an elastic, girdlelike device to support or bind a part of the body.
    3. an authoritative reference in support of one's statement or argument; a base; a basis.
    4. the foundation or lower part of a wall or structure; basement.
    5. a current or flow of water or other liquid, esp. one running along the surface of the earth; a stream.
    6. that which holds water (esp. in great quantity); a reservoir of water.
    7. (gram.) the sense of locative sense.
    8. (myst.) a mystical point in the human body that gives the power of sustaining.
    9. a property or an estate mortgaged for repayment of a loan; a pledge; a security.
  11. ಆಧರ

    ♪ ādhara
    1. one who tells about his own failure or defeat.
  12. ಅದ್ರ

    ♪ adra
    1. (dial.) markedly lacking in strength; weak; feeble; infirm.
  13. ಅಧರ

    ♪ adhara
    1. lying or thought of as lying, below ; nether.
    2. low or lower in order, status, rank, etc.; inferior.
    3. lower in quality or value than; base; contemptible.
  14. ಅಧರ

    ♪ adhara
    1. lower one of the two fleshy folds forming the edges of the mouth and important in speech; the lower lip.
    2. (in gen.) any of the two lips; the lip.
    3. that point of the celestial sphere directly opposite to the zenith and directly below the observer; the nadir.
    4. the lowest portion of any thing.
    5. one who has been silenced in argument; he who cannot argue any more.
    6. equality; likeness.
    7. the colour of human blood; red colour.
  15. ಅದ್ರಿ

    ♪ adri
    1. a natural raised part of the earth's surface, usu. rising more or less abruptly; a mountain.
    2. a large mass of stone; a rock.
    3. a tall plant which has a thick trunk and branches that grow from its upper part; a tree.
    4. the central star of the solar system; the sun.
    5. the number seven and the symbol that represents it.
    6. a kind of measure (?).
    7. a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder together; a thunderbolt.
    8. a visible mass of tiny, condensed water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere; a cloud.
  16. ಅಧೀರೆ

    ♪ adhīre
    1. a woman lacking courage.
    2. a confused, perplexed woman.
  17. ಆತುರ

    ♪ ātura
    1. = ಆತುರಗಾರ.
    2. one who is suffering from, seized by; an agitated, diseased or injured man.
    3. a strong desire; eagerness; craving.
    4. the act of hurrying recklessly; haste; hustle.
    5. ಆತುರದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೊಯ್ದುಕೊಂಡ ಮೂಗು ಸಮಾಧಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ āturadalli koydukoṇḍa mūgu samādhānadalli baruvudilla patience reward is better than repentance for rashness; ಆತುರದಿಂದ ಗೋತ್ರ ಕೆಟ್ಟಿತು āturadinda gōtra keṭṭitu hurry spoils curry; haste is waste.
  18. ಆದರೆ

    ♪ ādare
    1. on the other hand; in contrast; but.
    2. if it is so; if it so happens; if so.
  19. ಆದರೆ

    ♪ ādare
    1. a doubt, uncertainty, diffidence expressed.
  20. ಆದ್ರಿ

    ♪ ādri
    1. name of a plant.