1. ಅದುಮು

    ♪ adumu
    1. to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force exerted in contact; to press.
    2. to squeeze out the contents or juice; to squeeze with apparatus or instruments to a desired destiny, smoothness or shape or to deshape; to compress.
    3. to push something into; to stuff.
  2. ಅಧಮ

    ♪ adhama
    1. being at a lower level; inferior; placed at bottom.
    2. of inferior quality; mean; lacking social or moral values.
  3. ಅಧಮ

    ♪ adhama
    1. a man of inferior quality; a man lacking basic values; a rascal; rogue; wretch.
    2. an impudent and lustful man; a lecher.
    3. (astrol.) a combination of planets foreboding an impending evil or calamity.
  4. ಆತ್ಮ

    ♪ ātma
    1. that which feels, thinks, desires etc.; the principle of life and sensation; the soul; the ego or the spirit embodied or not; innermost nature; that which one identifies with oneself.
    2. one's customary frame of mind or natural disposition; nature; temperament, 3) the natural quality or peculiarity or character.
    3. a try; attempt; endeavour; effort.
    4. mental or physical vigour; vitality; spirit.
    5. the thinking, reasoning faculty; seat of intelligence; the mind.
    6. the physical structure of a human being or animal; the body.
    7. the Supreme deity and soul of the universe; the Supreme Soul; Brahma.
    8. air; wind.
    9. the sun.
    10. fire.
    11. (in comp.) reflexively acting upon the agent, automatic.
    12. (fig.) that which makes something what it is; intrinsic, fundamental nature or most important quality (of something); essential being; essence.
    13. ಒಂದೇ ಆತ್ಮ, ಎರಡು ದೇಹ ondē ātma eraḍu dēha a bosom friend; true friends are one soul in two bodies; a friend is another self; ಆತ್ಮ ಕಾದು ಧರ್ಮ ātma kādu dharma charity begins at home.
  5. ಆತುಮ

    ♪ ātuma
    1. an entity which is regarded as being the immortal or spiritual part of the person and, though having no physical or material reality, is credited with the functions of thinking and willing, and hence determining all behaviour; the soul.
  6. ಅಧಮೆ

    ♪ adhame
    1. a vile woman; a bad mistress.
    2. a quarrelsome heroine (in a drama).
  7. ಆದಮಿ

    ♪ ādami
    1. (generally) a man.
  8. ಆದಮೆ

    ♪ ādame
    1. = ಆದಂ.
  9. ಆದಿಮ

    ♪ ādima
    1. of or existing in or from the beginning or the earliest times or ages; original.
    2. primitive - a) (biol.) designating or of an organism organ, etc. at the starting point of its evolutionary development or very little evolved from early ancestral types; b) (biol.) earliest formed in the development of an organism organ, structure, etc.; primordial.
  10. ಆದಿಮ

    ♪ ādima
    1. he who belongs to the primitive age or early stages.
  11. ಆದ್ಮಿ

    ♪ ādmi
    1. (generally) a man.