1. ಅತ್ತರಿ

    ♪ attari
    1. the plant, Gisekia pharnaceoides of Phytolaccaceae family.
  2. ಆಧಾರಿ

    ♪ ādhāri
    1. = ಆಧಾರಸ್ಥ.
  3. ಅತ್ರಿ

    ♪ atri
    1. one of the seven stars of the Great Bear.
    2. one of the seven great sages in Hindu mythology.
  4. ಅದ್ರಿ

    ♪ adri
    1. a natural raised part of the earth's surface, usu. rising more or less abruptly; a mountain.
    2. a large mass of stone; a rock.
    3. a tall plant which has a thick trunk and branches that grow from its upper part; a tree.
    4. the central star of the solar system; the sun.
    5. the number seven and the symbol that represents it.
    6. a kind of measure (?).
    7. a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder together; a thunderbolt.
    8. a visible mass of tiny, condensed water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere; a cloud.
  5. ಆದ್ರಿ

    ♪ ādri
    1. name of a plant.
  6. ಆಧರ

    ♪ ādhara
    1. one who tells about his own failure or defeat.
  7. ಅದ್ರ

    ♪ adra
    1. (dial.) markedly lacking in strength; weak; feeble; infirm.
  8. ಆಧಾರ

    ♪ ādhāra
    1. a place or power of protection; a resort; a patronage.
    2. a support, a person or thing that supports; esp. - a) a prop, base, brace, etc.; b) a means of subsistence; c) an elastic, girdlelike device to support or bind a part of the body.
    3. an authoritative reference in support of one's statement or argument; a base; a basis.
    4. the foundation or lower part of a wall or structure; basement.
    5. a current or flow of water or other liquid, esp. one running along the surface of the earth; a stream.
    6. that which holds water (esp. in great quantity); a reservoir of water.
    7. (gram.) the sense of locative sense.
    8. (myst.) a mystical point in the human body that gives the power of sustaining.
    9. a property or an estate mortgaged for repayment of a loan; a pledge; a security.
  9. ಅಧರ

    ♪ adhara
    1. lying or thought of as lying, below ; nether.
    2. low or lower in order, status, rank, etc.; inferior.
    3. lower in quality or value than; base; contemptible.
  10. ಅಧರ

    ♪ adhara
    1. lower one of the two fleshy folds forming the edges of the mouth and important in speech; the lower lip.
    2. (in gen.) any of the two lips; the lip.
    3. that point of the celestial sphere directly opposite to the zenith and directly below the observer; the nadir.
    4. the lowest portion of any thing.
    5. one who has been silenced in argument; he who cannot argue any more.
    6. equality; likeness.
    7. the colour of human blood; red colour.
  11. ಆತರ

    ♪ ātara
    1. a crossing of a river; ferrying.
    2. the fare paid or to be paid for ferrying.
    3. a boat, raft or a ferry used for carrying people, animals or goods across a river.
  12. ಆದರ

    ♪ ādara
    1. a feeling of high regard, honour or esteem; respect; reverence; veneration.
    2. inclination or attachment of the mind.
    3. fond or tender feeling; warm liking; affection.
    4. the act, practice or quality of being hospitable; solicitous entertainment of guests; hospitality.
    5. a strong desire.
    6. joy; happiness; pleasure.
    7. the act of keeping one's mind closely on something or the ability to do this; mental concentration and mental readiness for such concentration; attention.
  13. ಅತ್ತರ್

    ♪ attar
    1. = ಅತ್ತರು.
  14. ಅತ್ತರ

    ♪ attara
    1. a cloth used in a steam vessel to bake on.
  15. ಅದಿರೆ

    ♪ adire
    1. (dial.) sexual excitement in animals, esp. in cattle.
  16. ಅದುರು

    ♪ aduru
    1. to loose water content, moisture from heat; to become dry.
  17. ಅದುರು

    ♪ aduru
    1. a mineral containing valuable constituent (as metal) for which it is mined; ore.
  18. ಅದುರು

    ♪ aduru
    1. little scales or flakes of dead skin formed on the scalp; dandruff.
  19. ಅದಿರು

    ♪ adiru
    1. a mineral containing valuable constituent (as metal) for which it is mined; ore.
  20. ಅದುರು

    ♪ aduru
    1. to move or be moved quickly and irregularly up and down, back and forth or from side to side; to vibrate; to shake.
    2. (eye) to move spasmodically.
    3. to tremble, quake or quiver, as from cold, excitement or fear.
    4. to cause to move up and down, back and forth or from side to side with short, quick movements; to shake.