1. ಅಡಗಿಸು

    ♪ aḍagisu
    1. to keep a thing or a person from seeing; to conceal.
    2. to keep secret.
    3. to quieten; to calm; to alleviate.
    4. to subdue; to efface; to destroy completely; to erase.
    5. to include; to contain; to encompass;
    6. ಅಡಗಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳು aḍagisikoḷḷu to bring another within; to include; to contain; 2. to keep within (anger, feeling, etc.); to eschew.
  2. ಅಟಕಿಸು

    ♪ aṭakisu
    1. = ಅಟಕಾಯಿಸು.
  3. ಅಡಕ

    ♪ aḍaka
    1. the state of being piled up one above the other; a pile-up; a heap; a stack.
    2. stored material.
    3. excessiveness; abundance; plentifulness;
    4. ಅಡಕದ ಕೋಣೆ aḍakada kōṇe a building or a part of it, where materials are stored; a store room; a warehouse.
  4. ಆಟಕ

    ♪ āṭaka
    1. a sport; an amusement; merriment; gaiety.
    2. he who plays a game; a player.
    3. a performer in a drama; an actor.
  5. ಆಢಕ

    ♪ āḍhaka
    1. an old measure of weight (approx. 2.97 Kg.).
    2. a measure of capacity (equal to two seers).
  6. ಅಡಕ

    ♪ aḍaka
    1. a controlling; a control; a restraint.
    2. the compressed state or condition.
    3. a code of regulations to control or restrict; a rule.
    4. state of being one with another.
    5. state of being not seen; hiding (oneself).
    6. that which is attached to a letter; an enclosure.
    7. an abridgement of short summary of anything, esp. of a book; an epitome; compendium;
    8. ಅಡಕಮಾಗು aḍakamāgu = ಅಡಕವಾಗು; ಅಡಕವಾಗಿರು aḍakavāgiru to be under the control of another; 2. to be one with another; 3. to be compact and agreeable within a given space; ಅಡಕವಾಗು aḍakavāgu to be not seen; to be hidden; to be concealed; 2. to be subject to another's control; 3. to be absorbed; 4. (property, estate etc.) to be hypothecated, mortgaged (for repayment of loan etc.); 5) to become compact or handy.
  7. ಅಡ್ಕ

    ♪ aḍka
    1. (dial.) an extent of slant land, not cultivated.
  8. ಅಟಕ

    ♪ aṭaka
    1. an obstruction; a hindrance; a resistance; an opposition.
  9. ಅಟೂಕು

    ♪ aṭūku
    1. close proximity; a distance that can be reached by stretching one's arm.
  10. ಅಟ್ಟುಗ

    ♪ aṭṭuga
    1. any of the two small sticks used by the Chinese instead of a fork; a chop-stick.
    2. (dial.) a three-legged wooden stool used while winnowing in the field.
  11. ಅಟುಕು

    ♪ aṭuku
    1. (dial.) small; tiny; petty.
  12. ಅಟ್ಟುಗೆ

    ♪ aṭṭuge
    1. going or running behind.
    2. chasing.
  13. ಅಟ್ಟುಗೆ

    ♪ aṭṭuge
    1. cooked or processed food.
  14. ಅಟ್ಟಿಗೆ

    ♪ aṭṭige
    1. (dial.) a three-legged wooden stool used while winnowing in the field.
  15. ಅಡಕೆ

    ♪ aḍake
    1. a regulatory restriction; a rule; a manner prescribed not to be violated.
  16. ಅಟ್ಟಿಗ

    ♪ aṭṭiga
    1. a man who follows in order to overtake and capture or kill; pursuer.
    2. he who drives the cattle away.
    3. a man who despatches, sends of (another or a thing).
  17. ಅಡಕೆ

    ♪ aḍake
    1. the tree Areca catechu of Arecaceae family.
    2. its nut; areca.
    3. a worthless material;
    4. ಅಡಕೆಗೆ ಎಣಿಸು, ಕೊಳ್ಳು, ಬಗೆ aḍakage eṇisu, koḷḷu, bage (fig.) to consider worthless; to lower in dignity or estimation; to bring into contempt; to degrade; ಅಡಕೆ ಕದ್ದ ಮಾನ ಆನೆ ಕೊಟ್ಟರೂ ಬಾರದು aḍake kadda māna āne koṭṭarū bāradu (prov.) the respect lost for trivial things cannot be recovered by good deeds however great they are; a wounded reputation is seldom cured; ಅಡಕೆ ಕದ್ದರೂ ಕಳ್ಳ, ಆನೆ ಕದ್ದರೂ ಕಳ್ಳ aḍake kaddarū kaḷḷa, āne kaddarū kaḷḷa (prov.) a thief is called a thief even though the thing stolen is worthless; ಅಡಕೆ ಕದ್ದವ ಆನೆಯನ್ನೂ ಕದ್ದಾನು aḍake kaddava āneyannū kaddānu (prov.) he that will steal an egg will steal an ox; ಅಡಕೆ ಉಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹಾಕಬಹುದು, ಮರವಾದಮೇಲೆ ಆಗದು aḍake uḍiyalli hākabahudu, maravādamēle āgadu (prov.) best to bend while a twig.
  18. ಅಡಕು

    ♪ aḍaku
    1. a principle, regulation or a restraint, which restricts the conduct, procedure or manner; a rule; restriction.
    2. the act of restraining oneself in performing; a controlling of the passions of oneself.
    3. (in weaving) a thread of four twisted yarns, to beef up the strength.
  19. ಅಟ್ಟಾಗು

    ♪ aṭṭāgu
    1. to become dense or thick; to be situated very closely.
  20. ಅಡಕು

    ♪ aḍaku
    1. to gather in heap; to pile up.