1. ಅಟ್ಟಾಲ

    ♪ aṭṭāla
    1. a small tower or a room on the fort; a bastion.
    2. a building with more than one storeys.
    3. a breast-high wall; a parapet.
    4. a royal residence; a palace.
  2. ಅಡಲ

    ♪ aḍala
    1. = ಅಡಲು2.
  3. ಅಡಲ್

    ♪ aḍal
    1. a low woody plant, with little or no trunk; a shrub; a bush.
  4. ಅಟ್ಟಲೆ

    ♪ aṭṭale
    1. = ಅಟ್ಟಳೆ.
  5. ಆಡೇಲ

    ♪ āḍēla
    1. an unsteadily moving, tottering man.
  6. ಅಟಳ

    ♪ aṭaḷa
    1. (correctly, ಅತಳ) one of the seven regions supposed to be below the earth.
  7. ಅಟ್ಟಲು

    ♪ aṭṭalu
    1. a platform raised for a public show of a drama.
  8. ಅಟ್ಟಿಲು

    ♪ aṭṭilu
    1. (dial.) the act of cooking (food).
    2. that which is cooked (as food).
  9. ಅಟ್ಟೋಲೆ

    ♪ aṭṭōle
    1. a letter sent or to be sent, through a messenger.
  10. ಅಟ್ಲು

    ♪ aṭlu
    1. a mixture of earthy particles with water; wet soft earth; slime.
  11. ಅಟ್ಲು

    ♪ aṭlu
    1. (dial.) a wooden frame or bar, of the plough or cart , with loops fitted around the neck of an ox or a pair of oxen.
  12. ಅಡಲು

    ♪ aḍalu
    1. to scream from pain; to lament from regret.
    2. to move to and fro frequently as from fear; to tremble.
    3. to be anxious; to fear.
  13. ಅಡಲು

    ♪ aḍalu
    1. the act of trembling.
    2. an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, unpleasant or bad that is happening or might happen; fear; anxiety.
    3. sorrow; lamentation.
    4. act of revolving; wandering without purpose.
    5. a false perception;
    6. ಅಡಲಪಡು aḍalapaḍu to subject another to difficulties; to cause to suffer; ಅಡಲಭ್ರಮಣೆ aḍala bhramaṇe any involuntary contraction of the voluntary muscles of the body, in which the body is thrown into violent spasmodic contractions; convulsions; ಅಡಲಮಾಡು adalamādu to subject another to difficulties; to cause to suffer.
  14. ಅಡಲು

    ♪ aḍalu
    1. a mixture of soft earth and water as in wet field.
  15. ಅಡಲು

    ♪ aḍalu
    1. = ಅಡಲ್.
  16. ಆಡಲು

    ♪ aḍalu
    1. an island made of coral and shaped like a ring with a lake of salt water in the middle; an atoll.
  17. ಅಢಾಳ

    ♪ aḍhāḷa
    1. a banner flying or held high.
  18. ಆಟಲೆ

    ♪ āṭale
    1. to follow quickly or persistently and harm.
  19. ಆಟಲೆ

    ♪ āṭale
    1. an act or fact of annoying, harming another; molestation.
  20. ಆಡಲು

    ♪ āḍalu
    1. the plant Jatropha curcas of Euphorbiaceae family; castor plant.