1. ಅಗ್ನಾಯಿ

    ♪ agnāyi
    1. (myth.) the Goddess of Fire and the wife of Fire God; Svāhādēvi.
    2. Trētāyuga, the second of the four ages.
  2. ಅಗಣ್ಯ

    ♪ agaṇya
    1. that exceeds counting; countless; innumerable; immense.
    2. having no worth, virtue, excellence, etc; not deserving to be counted; worthless; insignificant; unimportant.
  3. ಅಘ್ನ್ಯೆ

    ♪ aghnye
    1. that which should not be killed (a woman, a cow, etc.).
  4. ಆಗ್ನೇಯ

    ♪ āgnēya
    1. of, relating, offered or consecrated to the fire or the Fire-God.
    2. of, relating, from or lying in, south-east; south-eastern.
  5. ಆಗ್ನೇಯ

    ♪ āgnēya
    1. the direction or the point on a mariner's compass, halfway between south and east; 450 east of due south; the south-east, which is presided over by the Fire-God, Agni.
    2. a missile presided over by the Fire-God; a fiery arrow that catches fire when shot.
  6. ಆಗ್ನೇಯಿ

    ♪ āgnēyi
    1. = ಆಗ್ನೇಯ2 - 1.
    2. Svāhādēvi, wife of Fire-God Agni.
    3. the first day in the lunar fortnight (i.e. first and sixteenth days of a lunar month).