1. ಅಗೌರವ

    ♪ agaurava
    1. want of respect; absence of required courtesy; dishonour; disrespect; disgrace; shame;
    2. ಅಗೌರವ ತೋರು agaurava tōru to show disrespect to; to treat without due respect.
  2. ಅಖರ್ವ

    ♪ akharva
    1. not stunted; not short or small; not dwarfish; fully grown.
    2. of a high degree of magnitude of any kind; great.
  3. ಅಗುರ್ವಿಸು

    ♪ agurvisu
    1. to cause to afraid; to frighten; to terrify.
    2. . to regard with fear; to get alarmed from an impending danger, pain, loss etc.; to fear.
    3. to cause to become more, excel; to increase.
    4. to become more; to become exceptional in qualities; to excel.
    5. (to produce) a regular beat or one that is fast and forceful; to throb.
  4. ಅಗುರ್ವು

    ♪ agurvu
    1. the quality or state of causing fear, awe; dreadfulness.
    2. the sense caused by dreadfulness, amazement or awe; great fear; astonishment mingled with wonder.
    3. marked courage or bravery; valour; heroism.
    4. the quality by which one excels another; excelling merit, quality; greatness; excessiveness.
    5. excessiveness in terms of quantity or number; plentifulness.