1. ಅಗಾಡಿ

    ♪ agāḍi
    1. the fore part of anything.
    2. the rope used to tie the forefeet of a horse.
    3. a leather strap fastened to each end of the bit of a bridle, by which the rider controls a horse; reins.
  2. ಅಗ್ಗಾಡಿ

    ♪ aggāḍi
    1. an immodest, impudent woman.
  3. ಅಗ್ಗಾಡಿ

    ♪ aggāḍi
    1. the art of producing illusions by legerdemain; magic; (?) 2) an act done or intended to be done or trick played with an intention to deceiving; fraud; cheat; (?).
  4. ಅಗ್ಗಾಡಿ

    ♪ aggāḍi
    1. (dial.) a number of wagons in a string, drawn by a locomotive engine; a train.
  5. ಅಕಡಿ

    ♪ akaḍi
    1. a minor crop grown between two furrows of the main crop.
    2. a furrow of such a minor crop.
  6. ಅಕಟ

    ♪ akaṭa
    1. an interjection expressing grief, pain, regret, wonder or envy; alas!.
  7. ಅಕಟಾ

    ♪ akaṭā
    1. = ಅಕಟ.
  8. ಆಗಾಡ

    ♪ āgāḍa
    1. any line or thing marking a limit of a place, state, country etc. ; border.
  9. ಆಕಟ

    ♪ ākaṭa
    1. extreme, often indignant, contempt for someone or something; utter disdain; scorn.
  10. ಅಖಾಡ

    ♪ akhāḍa
    1. a place for public contest of wrestling; an arena.
    2. (lightly) an enclosed platform for acting; a stage.
    3. (fig.) any public contest, like election for a political position;
    4. ಅಖಾಡಕ್ಕಿಳಿ akhāḍakkiḷi to enter into a fight; 2. to enter into a contest or competition.
  11. ಆಕಟ

    ♪ ākaṭa
    1. activity engaged in for amusement or recreation; sport; play.
    2. lively, joyous play or playfulness; fun; joking.
  12. ಆಗಡ

    ♪ āgaḍa
    1. = ಆಗ1.
  13. ಅಕಡಾ

    ♪ akaḍā
    1. a clip used for fastening up the hair; a hair-clip.
  14. ಆಘಾಟ

    ♪ āghāṭa
    1. any line or thing marking a limit of a country, district, etc., boundary; limit; border.
    2. the plant Achyranthes aspera of Amaranthaceae family.
  15. ಅಗಡ

    ♪ agaḍa
    1. a wilfully troublesome man; a mischievous man.
    2. the quality of being troublesome, wicked or harmful; mischievousness; wickedness.
    3. (dial.) a chord or rope tied round the neck of a draft animal, such as an ox.
  16. ಅಘಾಟ

    ♪ aghāṭa
    1. a thing or a fact that causes a feeling of surprise, delight or awesome reverence; wonder.
    2. the quality of causing such a feeling.
    3. abundance; plentifulness.
  17. ಆಗಡ

    ♪ āgaḍa
    1. an improper or wicked act; a crime; a sin.
  18. ಅಕ್ಕಾಡು

    ♪ akkāḍu
    1. to become completely extinct; to become annihilated; to be destroyed.
    2. to cause to extinct completely; to annihilate.
  19. ಅಕ್ಕಾಡಿಸು

    ♪ akkāḍisu
    1. to reduce to nothing; to annihilate.
  20. ಅಕ್ಕಡೆ

    ♪ akkaḍe
    1. a furrow for a minor crop between two furrows meant for the main crop.