1. ಅಗರು

    ♪ agaru
    1. the large tree Aquilaria agallocha of Thymelaeaceae family, with alternate lanceolate leaves; agallochum aloe.
    2. the tree Commiphora agallocha ( = Balsamodendrum roxburghii) of Burseraceae family; Indian bdellium.
    3. the tree, Dalbergia sisso ( = D. sissosa, = D.sissu ) of Papilionaceae family.
  2. ಅಗರು

    ♪ agaru
    1. the dandruff of the head.
  3. ಅಗರು

    ♪ agaru
    1. to emit fragrance; to be sweet smelling.
  4. ಆಕರು

    ♪ ākaru
    1. the intensity of a sudden or hasty action; impetuosity.
  5. ಆಖರು

    ♪ ākharu
    1. = ಆಖರಿ2.
  6. ಆಕರ

    ♪ ākara
    1. a tool with spiral grooves and a sharp end for cutting and boring holes in wood, etc.; an auger.
  7. ಅಕರ

    ♪ akara
    1. having no hand; handless.
    2. exempt from tax.
  8. ಅಗರ

    ♪ agara
    1. the hind portion of a ship.
  9. ಅಗ್ರ

    ♪ agra
    1. a disease, esp. of infants, caused by a fungus (genus Candida) and characterised by the formation of milky-white lesions on the mouth, lips, and throat; parasitic stomatitis; thrush.
  10. ಅಗ್ರ

    ♪ agra
    1. a tip - a) the pointed, tapering or rounded end or top of something long ; b) a top or apex, as of a mountain; c) something attached to the end, as a cap, ferrule, etc.
    2. the front portion of anything.
    3. a starting or commencing; beginning.
    4. the outskirts of a city or town.
    5. a song in praise.
    6. a measure of food given as alms.
    7. a multitude; a group of people; a gathering.
    8. an old measure of weight.
    9. that which is fixed before one's mind as an object to be attained; an aim; a goal.
    10. the best of anything.
    11. a Brāhmaṇa, a man belonging to the upper caste in Hindu society.
    12. a plantain leaf the apex of which is in tact or that portion of the plantain leaf which has the tip unbroken;
    13. ಅಗ್ರದೆಲೆ agradele a plantain leaf with unbroken tip.
  11. ಆಕರ

    ♪ ākara
    1. the uncomfortable or distressful feeling caused by a desire or need for water and characterised generally by a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat; thirst.
  12. ಅಗ್ಗಾರ

    ♪ aggāra
    1. a highly inaccessible place.
  13. ಅಕಾರ

    ♪ akāra
    1. the letter 'ಅ' or its sound.
  14. ಆಕರ

    ♪ ākara
    1. a source - a) that from which something comes into existence, develops or derives; b) any place or thing by which something is supplied; c) a person, book, document, etc. that provides information; d) the point or thing from which light rays, sound waves, etc. emanate.
    2. that which houses or protects another; a support; prop.
    3. an assemblage; a multitude.
    4. a large excavation made in the earth, from which to extract metallic ores, coal, precious stones, salt or certain other minerals; a mine.
    5. a group of houses in the country, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a city; a village.
    6. a person, thing, circumstance or opportunity acting voluntarily or involuntarily as the agent that brings about an effect or result; a cause.
    7. a means for living; an occupation for or source of, income.
  15. ಅಗರ

    ♪ agara
    1. a land or village granted by kings to Brāhmaṇas for sustenance.
    2. a street or part of a town where (only) Brāhmaṇas live.
  16. ಅಗ್ರ

    ♪ agra
    1. prominent; principal; pre-eminent.
    2. first; foremost.
    3. excessive; surplus.
  17. ಅಕರ

    ♪ akara
    1. without having to pay the tax.
  18. ಅಗಾರ

    ♪ agāra
    1. a building in which people normally live; a house.
    2. a particular portion of space; a place in general.
  19. ಆಕರ

    ♪ ākara
    1. (arch.) a kind of tax levied in olden days.
  20. ಆಕಾರ

    ♪ ākāra
    1. (gram.) the letter 'ಆ'.