1. ಅಗಣಿತ

    ♪ agaṇita
    1. not counted; not reckoned.
    2. that cannot be counted; innumerable; countless.
    3. excellent; extraordinary; great.
  2. ಅಗಣಿತ

    ♪ agaṇita
    1. one who is beyond the normal qualities; a man with exceptional qualities that cannot be surpassed.
    2. a man who is not to be considered; an insignificant, worthless man.
    3. a multitude; an assemblage; a crowd.
  3. ಅಗುಣಿತ

    ♪ aguṇita
    1. (biol.) having the reduced number of chromosomes, characteristic of the species as in germ-cells; haploid.