1. ಅಕ್ಷಿ

    ♪ akṣi
    1. the organ of sight or vision; the eye.
    2. a small opening; an aperture; a hole.
  2. ಅಕ್ಷ

    ♪ akṣa
    1. a small cube with four or six engraved or numbered faces for playing with; a die.
    2. a chess-man like pawn used in dice-game; a pawn.
    3. a game played, often with stakes, with dice; gambling.
    4. a line about which a body rotates or about which a figure is conceived to revolve; an axis.
    5. a straight line about which, the parts of a figure, body or system are symmetrically or systematically arranged.
    6. a fixed line adopted for reference in co-ordinate geometry, curve-plotting; crystallography.
    7. the beam of a balance from which the scales are hung.
    8. the needle at the centre of the beam of a balance.
    9. the rod or a pin in the hub of a wheel on or with which the wheel turns.
    10. a car, driven by animals or men, used to carry the idols of god or used by royal persons or soldiers; a chariot.
    11. a chariot's wheel; a car-wheel.
    12. (geog.) the angular distance from the equator; latitude.
    13. the distance between the two poles of the earth.
    14. the tree, Terminalia bellerica of Combretaceae family.
    15. its seed used as a die.
    16. the tree Emblica officinalis of Euphorbiaceae, and its fruit; Emblic ( = Emblic myrobalan).
    17. the Elaeocarpus sphaericus (=E.Ganitrus) of Elaeocarpaceae family, and its seed used as rosary.
    18. the shrub Semecarpus anacardium ( = Anacardium orientale) of Anacardiaceae family and its nut; marking nut tree.
    19. any sensual organ.
    20. (usu. at the end of a compound word) the organ of sight; the eye.
    21. the shell of gasteropods, used by primitive people as money and magical object; courie.
    22. an old unit of weight (equal to the weight of eighty Indian liquorice seeds).
    23. copper-sulphate, a hydrous sulphate of copper; blue-vitriol.
    24. the sea-salt.
    25. the immaterial part of human; the soul.
    26. sum of what is known or the range of information a person has; knowledge of material or spiritual subjects.
    27. legal fairness; justice.
    28. a legal suit or its proceedings in a law-court.
    29. the course of action; the fixed or established way, form or procedure that is to be adopted.
    30. a giving up of something, selflessly, for sake of others or for spiritual purpose.
    31. absence of passion (esp. for worldly object); non-attachment.
    32. ability required to do or act; power; vigour; energy.
    33. the colour of the sky; blue.
    34. a snake; a serpent.
    35. anything that is bent or crooked; a curve.
    36. a born-blind person.
    37. the bird considered as king of birds, close akin to eagle; brahminee kite.
    38. any less precious metal used to make an alloy, with a more precious one.
    39. a natural source of minerals; a mine.
    40. name of a plant.
    41. the tower part of the temples.
    42. the quality of being liberal; generosity; magnanimity.
    43. a leaf or scale below calyx, that bears a flower in its axil; bract.
    44. a mythological character in Rāmāyaṇa, a son of Rāvana, the villain.
  3. ಆಕಾಶ

    ♪ ākāśa
    1. space or ether, one of the five basic elements which form material reality.
    2. the apparent blue canopy over our heads; the sky.
    3. an absolutely empty space or vacuum; total emptiness.
    4. (phil.) the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe, regarded as one of the nine substances recognised by the vaiṣeṣikas (which is the substratum of the quality 'sound').
    5. an empty space.
    6. a metre regulated by the number of syllables, having two long ones followed by a short one (--υ).
    7. (Jain.) one of the six elements.
    8. (math.) the symbol 0, indicating the value of naught; zero; cipher.
    9. ಆಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಏಣಿಹಾಕು ākāśakke ēṇi hāku (fig.) to try to do something which is absolutely impossible; to square a circle;ಆಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಏರಿಸು ākāśakke ērisu (fig.) to praise very highly; to praise to the skies; ಆಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಏರು ākāśakke ēru (fig.) (price of a commodity) to increase abnormally; 2. (fig.) to be elated by success, praise, etc.ಆಕಾಶ ತಲೆಯಮೇಲೆ ಬೀಳು ākāśa taleya mēle bīḷu (fig.) a catastrophe to happen; ಆಕಾಶ ತೂತು ಬೀಳು ākāśa tūtu bīḷu (fig.) to rain heavily and incessantly; ಆಕಾಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಾರಾಡು(ತೇಲು) ākāśadalli hāru (tēlu) (fig.) to be excited with joy; to be over the moon; ಆಕಾಶದಿಂದ ಇಳಿದುಬಂದಿರು ākāśadinda iḷidubandiru (sarcastic) to be endowed with divine qualities; ಆಕಾಶ ನೋಡಿಕೊಂಡು ಭಾವಿಗೆ ಉಚ್ಚೆ ಹೊಯ್ಯಿ ākāśa nōḍikoṇḍu bhāvige ucce hoyyi to have a laudable aim, but act in a mean way; ಆಕಾಶ ನೋಡುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ನೂಕುನುಗ್ಗುಲೇಕೆ? ākāśa nōḍuvudakke nūkunuggalēke? When there is ample opportunities why rush like a mad man for it? why cause a stampede to look at the sky? ಆಕಾಶ ನೋಡುತ್ತಿರು ākāśa nōḍuttiru to be empty of thought; to look at lacking ideas; ಆಕಾಶಭೂಮಿಗಳನ್ನು ಒಂದುಮಾಡು ākāśa bhūmigaḷannu ondumāḍu (fig.) to do every thing possible; to move the haven and the earth; 2. to indulge in loud uproar that would bring the very heavens down; to make the welkin ring; ಆಕಾಶ ಹರಿದುಬೀಳುವಾಗ ಅಂಗೈ ಒಡ್ಡಿದರೆ ನಿಂತೀತೆ? ākāśa haridu bīḷuvāga aŋgai oḍḍidare nintīte you cannot prevent a great calamity with a casual effort; umbrella is not a shield against the thunderbolt; ಆಕಾಶ ಹರಿದು ಹೋಗುವ ಹಾಗೆ ಕಿರಿಚು ākāśa haridu hōguva hāge kiricu (fig.) to scream very loudly; to scream the place down; ಆಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಉಗಿದರೆ ಉಗಿದವರ ಮೇಲೆಯೇ ಬೀಳುತ್ತದೆ ākaśakke ugidare ugidavara mēleyē bīḷuttade he who blows in the dust fills his eyes with it.
  4. ಅಘೋಷ

    ♪ aghōṣa
    1. not making or not involving sound.
    2. (gram.) (said of hard consonants - ಕ, ಖ, ಚ, ಛ etc.) not using vocal chord prominently while being produced; voiceless.
  5. ಅಘೋಷ

    ♪ aghōṣa
    1. a consonant which does not use vocal chord of the body while being produced (e.g. ಕ,ಖ,ಚ, ಛ etc.); a voiceless consonant.
  6. ಆಘೋಷ

    ♪ āghōṣa
    1. a heavy sound; a loud cry.