a part of a whole; a portion.
an essential or elemental part.
that which enters into a compound; an ingredient; a component.
the share or the part of an estate descending to a heir; inheritance.
a unit of longitude or latitude;
(myth.) one of the twelve Ādityas;
the upper number of a vulgar fraction, which expresses the number of fractional parts taken; a numerator.
(astrol.) the ninth part of any of the twelve signs of zodiac.
a matter under attention or to be taken in to account; a point.
a 360th part of a revolution; a degree.
(pros.) a basic unit in Kannaḍa prosody, which is divided into three types - ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಗಣ, ವಿಷ್ಣುಗಣ and ರುದ್ರಗಣ.