1. ಅಂಘರಿಕ

    ♪ aŋgharika
    1. a man hired to perform personal, domestic or official service; a servant.
  2. ಅಂಗಾರಿಕ

    ♪ aŋgārika
    1. the bud of Butea Frondosa.
    2. the sugar cane.
  3. ಅಂಗರಿಕ

    ♪ aŋgarika
    1. one whose service is to guard otheṛs body; a body guard.
    2. one who is hired to perform personal, domestic or official service; a servant.
  4. ಅಂಗರಾಗ

    ♪ aŋgarāga
    1. application of scented cosmetic, unguents to the body.
    2. an unguent or cosmetic used to apply on the body.
  5. ಅಂಗಾರಕ

    ♪ aŋgāraka
    1. burning coal.
    2. the planet next after the earth in the order of distance from the sun; the Mars.
    3. (myth.) the deity presiding over the planet Mars, one of such nine deities supposed to be influencing the human and terrestrial affairs.
    4. a black sectarian mark on the forehead, made from coal or soot.
    5. the plant Edipta prostata.
    6. the plant Withonia somnifera of Solanaceae family.
    7. the plant, Murraya paniculata (=M. exotica) of Rutaceae family.
  6. ಅಂಗರಖಾ

    ♪ aŋgarakha
    1. = ಅಂಗರೇಕು.
  7. ಅಂಗರೇಖು

    ♪ aŋgarēkhu
    1. = ಅಂಗರೇಕು.
  8. ಅಂಗರೇಖೆ

    ♪ aŋgarēkhe
    1. = ಅಂಗರೇಕು.
  9. ಅಂಗರಕ್ಕೆ

    ♪ aŋgarakke
    1. that which protects the body from external blow, strike, etc.; a mail; an armour.
    2. the service of a bodyguard.
  10. ಅಂಗರಕ್ಕ

    ♪ aŋgarakka
    1. a bodyguard.
  11. ಅಂಕರಿಕೆ

    ♪ aŋkarike
    1. a stair leading down to the water, in a well.
    2. the area closely surrounding a well.
    3. the inside portion of a well painted with red ochre.
  12. ಅಂಗರೇಕು

    ♪ aŋgarēku
    1. a long coat covering beyond the knee.