1. ಅಂಗುಲ

    ♪ aŋgula
    1. one of the five terminal points of the hand; a finger.
    2. the largest of the five fingers of the hand; the thumb.
    3. the breadth of a finger, as a measure.
    4. the twelfth part of a foot equal to 2.54 cm.; an inch.
    5. a unit of measure of rainfall equal to the amount that covers a surface to the height of one inch.
    6. amount of atmospheric pressure needed to balance the weight of a column of mercury one inch high.
  2. ಆಂಗ್ಲ

    ♪ āŋgla
    1. English - a) of England, its people, their culture, etc; b) of their language.
  3. ಅಂಗಲ

    ♪ aŋgala
    1. thinly spread.
  4. ಅಂಗಾಲ್

    ♪ aŋgāl
    1. = ಅಂಗಾಲು.
  5. ಆಂಗ್ಲ

    ♪ āŋgla
    1. a man who is a native or inhabitant of England; an English-man.
  6. ಅಂಗಲ

    ♪ aŋgala
    1. a moderately large flat metal plate, having slightly raised brim, used to have meal.
  7. ಅಂಗಲ

    ♪ aŋgala
    1. the state of being separte or apart.
  8. ಅಂಗಳ

    ♪ aŋgaḷa
    1. the roof of the mouth; palate.
    2. (loosely) the throat.
    3. a cartilaginous flap over the glottis; the epiglottis.
  9. ಅಂಗಳ

    ♪ aŋgaḷa
    1. the place adjoining a house, either enclosed or not; a yard.
    2. a wide open field;
    3. ಅಂಗಳ ಹಾರಿ, ಗಗನಕ್ಕೆ ಹಾರು aŋgaḷa hāri gaganakke hāru (prov.) to try to achieve your goal gradually, but not at once; learn to leap before you actually leap; ಅಂಗಳದಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಲಸು ಮಾಡಿ, ಮಂಗಳನ ಕಾಟ ಅನ್ನು aŋgaḷadalli holasumāḍi maŋgaḷana kāṭa annu (prov.) to blame another for one's own folly; ತಿಂಗಳು ಹೋದರೂ ಅಂಗಳ ದಾಟಲಿಲ್ಲ tiŋgaḷu hōdarū aŋgaḷa dāṭalilla (prov.) 'there is no commensurate development with duration of time'; 'achievement falls far too short of the time taken'.
  10. ಅಂಗಳ

    ♪ aŋgaḷa
    1. burning charcoal.
  11. ಅಂಕಲು

    ♪ aŋkalu
    1. the ears of jowar fallen in the field as left overs while harvesting.
  12. ಅಂಗಾಲು

    ♪ aŋgālu
    1. the bottom of the foot; the sole;
    2. ಅಂಗಾಲಿಗೆ ತ್ರಾಣವಿದ್ದರೆ ಬಂಗಾಲಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಗಬಹುದು aŋgālige traṇaviddare baŋgālakke hōgabahudu (prov.) do not try to fly if you do not have wings; ಅಂಗಾಲಿಗೆ ಹೇಸಿಕೆಯಿಲ್ಲ, ಕರುಳಿಗೆ ನಾಚಿಕೆಯಿಲ್ಲ aŋgālige hēsigeyilla, kruḷige nācigeyilla (prov.) the love for one's children makes him or her forgive all their follies; ಅಂಗಾಲಿನ ಮುಳ್ಳು ತೆಗೆಯಲಿಕ್ಕೆ ಕೊಡಲಿ ಬೇಕೆ? aŋgālina muḷḷu tegeyalikke koḍalibēke? (prov.) he opens the door with an axe.
  13. ಅಂಕಲಿ

    ♪ aŋkali
    1. = ಅಂಕಲಿಗ.
  14. ಅಂಗುಲಿ

    ♪ aŋguli
    1. = ಅಂಗುಲ- 1 & 2; 3) the finger-like point at the tip of the trunk of an elephant.
    2. an ornament for an elephant's ear.
    3. a metal ring worn on the finger.
    4. the plant Adiantum candatum of Polypodiaceae family.
    5. arsenic trisulphate.
  15. ಅಂಕುಲೆ

    ♪ aŋkule
    1. the tree, Alangium decapetatum of Alangiaceae family.
    2. the tree, Alangium solvifolium of Alangiaceae family.
    3. the tree, Alangium lamarckii of Alangiaceae family.
    4. the creeper Erycibe paniculata of Convulvulaceae;
  16. ಅಂಕೊಲ್ಲ

    ♪ aŋkolla
    1. = ಅಂಕೋಲ.
  17. ಅಂಕೋಲ

    ♪ aŋkōla
    1. the deciduous tree, Alangium decapetalum of Alangiaceae family, that grows in rocky places, the juice of the root is used as an anthelmintic and the root as an antidote to snake bite.
    2. the tree, Alangium solvifolium of the same family.
    3. the tree, Alangium lamarckii of the same family.
    4. the tree Alangium hexapetalum of the same family.
    5. the creeper Erycibe paniculata (var. Wightiana) of Convulvulaceae; [This name is used for several varieties of plants indiscretely].
  18. ಅಂಕೋಲೆ

    ♪ aŋkōle
    1. = ಅಂಕೋಲ.
  19. ಆಂಗುಲಿ

    ♪ āŋguli
    1. one who slaughters cows; a cow-slaughterer.
  20. ಅಂಗಲು

    ♪ aŋgalu
    1. (dial.) state of being thinly scattered; sparseness;
    2. ಅಂಗಲಾಗು aŋgalāgu to be spread thinly; ಅಂಗಂಗಲು aŋgaŋgalu dupl. of angalu; ಅಂಗಲಾಗಿ ಬಿತ್ತಿದ್ದು ಅಗಲವಾಗಿ ಏಳುವುದು aŋgalāgi bittiddu agalavāgi ēḷuvudu (prov.) dense sown dwarfish growth; 2. happy is that family which has less number of children.