1. ♪ a
    1. the first letter and the first vowel of the Kannaḍa alphabet;
    2. ಬಾರದಿದ್ದರೂ ಅಮರವಾದರೂ ಹೇಳು aā bāradiddarū amaravādarū heḷu (prov.) even the illiterate must know the lexicon.
  2. ♪ a
    1. the first of the three syllables that make the sacred compound-syllable ಓಂ''.
  3. ♪ a
      independent clause
    1. an indeclinable used as an end termination to show report or tradition - 'as they say', 'as reported', 'is it not'.
  4. ♪ a
      independent clause
    1. an indeclinable termination to verbs to add politeness in addressing ನೋಡುನೋಡ(>, ನೋಡಾ) the second person in singular number.
  5. ♪ a
      independent clause
    1. an indeclinable to verbs to make it interrogative.
  6. ♪ a
      independent clause
    1. a termination to nouns or pronouns to express them in possessive case (the sixth case in Kannaḍa grammar).
  7. ♪ a
      independent clause
    1. a particle, used at the end, to form personal nouns while compounding (as ಅಯ್ಸರಳು ಅಯ್ಸರಳ>, ಕಾರೊಡಲ).
  8. ♪ a
    1. a prefix, corresponding to 'in' or 'un' of English, used as a negative particle to mean (a) 'negation', 'absence', (b) distinction, difference, (c) 'bad', 'unfit', (d) 'opposition'.
  9. ♪ a
    1. a termination of the infinitive (as in ಎಸಗುಅಎಸಗ+= for ಎಸಗಲು).
  10. ♪ a
    1. a termination of the third person in the neuter of the negative (as in ಸಲ್ಲಸಲ್ಲದು=).
  11. ♪ a
    1. any of the Hindu trinity, Brahma, Viṣṇu and Śiva.