(bot.) the stalk of a stamen bearing the anther; the filament of a flower.
the fine, dust like mass of grains that are produced in the anthers or microspore sacs of seed plants, containing the male sexual cells (gametophytes) of the plant; pollen.
the long hair growing from the top or sides of the neck of certain animals, as the horse or lion; the mane.
the tree Mimusops elengi of Sapotaceae family.
the tree Mesua ferrea of Guttiferae family; Iron wood of Ceylon.
the perennial plant Crocus sativus of Iridaceae family with funnel-shaped, purplish flowers having orange stigmas; saffron plant.
the tree Bixa orellana of Bixaceae family.
the tree Mammea suriga ( = Ochrocarpus longifolius) of Clusiaceae family.
its flowers.