1. ಕಲಕಂಠ

    ♪ kalakaṇṭha
    1. that which has a sweet sound; the Indian cuckoo (a long-tailed songbird of the family Cuculidae, which has a characteristic two or three-note call and deposits its eggs in the nests of crows which rear the young as their own).
    2. a bee (or wasp) which lays its eggs in the nest of another species; a cuckoo-bee.
    3. any of several large usu. grey and white birds of the family Columbidae, often domesticated and bred and trained to carry messages etc.; a dove; a pigeon.
    4. a large graceful waterbird of the genus Cygnus etc., having a long flexible neck, webbed feet, snow-white plumage; a swan.
    5. pleasant voice; melodious sounds.
  2. ಗಲಗಂಡ

    ♪ galagaṇḍa
    1. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, often visible as a swelling in the lower part of the front of the neck; goitre.
  3. ಕಾಲಕಂಠ

    ♪ kālakaṇṭha
    1. Śiva, whose throat is black.
    2. a bird of small size belonging to Passeridae family; a house sparrow.
  4. ಕಾಲಖಂಡ

    ♪ kālakhaṇḍa
    1. the largest glandular organ in vertebrate animals, located in the upper or anterior part of the abdomen, which secretes bile, and has an important function in the storage and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, also helps detoxify many poisonous substances that may be ingested; the liver.
    2. a portion of time, either indefinite or relatively long, characterised by certain events, processes, conditions, etc.
  5. ಗಳಗಂಡ

    ♪ gaḷagaṇḍa
    1. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, often visible as a swelling in the lower part of the front of the neck; goitre.
  6. ಕಲ್ಲುಗುಂಡು

    ♪ kalluguṇḍu
    1. any large rock worn smooth and round by weather and water; a boulder.
  7. ಗೊಲಗಂಡಿ

    ♪ golagaṇḍi
    1. the plant Cynotis axillaris of Commelinaceae family.
  8. ಕಳಕಂಠ

    ♪ kaḷakaṇṭha
    1. that which has a sweet sound; the Indian cuckoo (a long-tailed songbird of the family Cuculidae, which has a characteristic two or three-note call and deposits its eggs in the nests of crows which rear the young as their own).
    2. a bee (or wasp) which lays its eggs in the nest of another species; a cuckoo-bee.
    3. any of several large usu. grey and white birds of the family Columbidae, often domesticated and bred and trained to carry messages etc.; a dove; a pigeon.
    4. a large graceful waterbird of the genus Cygnus etc., having a long flexible neck, webbed feet, snow-white plumage; a swan.
    5. pleasant voice; melodious sounds.
  9. ಕಲಕಂಠಿ

    ♪ kalakaṇṭhi
    1. a female cuckoo.
    2. a female swan (a waterbird of the genus Cygnus).
    3. (mus.) in Karnāṭaka system, a mode derived from the main mode Gāyakapriya.
  10. ಕಲಿಗಂಟು

    ♪ kaligaṇṭu
    1. the manner in which the wrestlers, warriors tie their hair.
    2. the hair (of a woman) let loose, but tied at the end with a small knot.
    3. the manner in which fighters, wrestler wear the dhotis.
  11. ಕಲಿಗೋಂಟೆ

    ♪ kaligōṇṭe
    1. a very strong fort.
  12. ಕಲುಗುಂಡು

    ♪ kaluguṇḍu
    1. a large stone worn smooth by erosion.
  13. ಕಾಳಕಂಠ

    ♪ kāḷakaṇṭha
    1. Siva, whose throat is black.
    2. a bird of small size, belonging to Passeridae family; a house sparrow.
  14. ಕಾಲುಗಂಟು

    ♪ kālugaṇṭu
    1. the joint that connects the foot and the leg; the ankle.
  15. ಕಲ್ಗಂಟೆ

    ♪ kalgaṇṭe
    1. the plant Schrebera swietenioides of Oleaceae family.
  16. ಕಲ್ಗುಂಡು

    ♪ kalguṇḍu
    1. any large rock worn smooth and round by weather and water; a boulder.
  17. ಕಲ್ಲುಕುಂಟೆ

    ♪ kallukuṇṭe
    1. an old coin, minted in Madakari Nayaka's period in Citradurga in Karnāṭaka.
  18. ಗೊಳಗೊಂಡೆ

    ♪ goḷagoṇḍe
    1. a kind of plant.
  19. ಕಳಕಂಠಿ

    ♪ kaḷakaṇṭhi
    1. a female cuckoo.
    2. a female swan (a waterbird of the genus Cygnus).
  20. ಕಳ್ಳಕಿಂಡಿ

    ♪ kaḷḷakiṇḍi
    1. a hole made by burglars in a house-wall.
    2. a small,secret passage (as in a fort, etc.).